Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Oh the Schism..." Introduction
  Greetings, guys and gals, and welcome to my video game, movie and manga, review website! If you're here, then you must love one of those three and have come to see what this little internet critic thinks about certain gems or bombs of the world of entertainment.

  First off, I must emphasize that most of this will be done for comical value and even though I may sometimes set your hearts ablaze with rage with what I've said, remember that this is all done in good fun and I mean absolutely every goddamn word of what I say in these reviews. If you have a comment about something you think I may have missed or anything like that, feel free to post it and feel empowered as I take every opportunity to ignore it...okay, I guess I can respond when I feel like it.

  Secondly, I want to explain about my "Lucky 7" grading scale. Unlike most websites or magazines that use a 1-10 scale of rating, I prefer to think that the numbers 1-2 are not possible, unless the creators go out of their way to make it intentionally bad, and the number 10 is impossible as well, because I believe that is saying that it is the Platonic ideal of what games/movies/manga of that genre should be like (a.k.a. a hyperbole). So to be as unbiased as I possibly can, I grade it on scale of 3-9, but I prefer to make it 1-7 to make it a little more rounded for the grading system. If you guys don't like it, then congratulations! You now know exactly how I feel about the regular grading system!
  Thirdly, when I start out I will just be doing text reviews, but as I gain some more income from my real-world adventures and gain some technology that I can put to good use, then I will start doing vlogs and other types of video reviews so that I can rise up for all you peons to see my everlasting glory!

  Lastly, I want to thank you all for visiting this website and supporting my venture into the world of critics. I will try to update with a review once every week, maybe two reviews depending on if I can get a hold of certain games, movies or manga to review.

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